An 18+ Monopoly themed event to promote enho/hoen creators and encourage a fun, safe, pro-ship community.
Sign ups: July 1st - August 7th 2021
Event starts: August 1st
Last Day to get new prompts: October 23rd
Last day to fill prompts: October 31st
Winning team announced: November 1st
Meet the Team!
How the game works:
Players are assigned to teams that will work together to earn as many points as possible. Points can be earned by writing fics, drawing fanart, participating in server games, and by completing team activities. So even if you never fill a prompt, you can still have fun and earn points!
At the start of the game, all players will be assigned to their team and given their first dice roll (determined by a bot that will roll two digital 6-sided dice). Your roll will determine your prompt based on which space you land on the Enhonopoly board. Each space will have multiple prompts including a single word prompt, a specific idea, a NSFW prompt, and an AU prompt.
When creating your fic or drawing, you only need to use one prompt, it doesn’t matter which one. If you choose to use more than one prompt, you will receive 2 extra points for each additional prompt used.
The number of points you receive will be determined based on the scales below.
Artist detail scale:
Intern level (3 points):
Sketch or line art or flat color
Sidekick level (5 points):
Shading (B&W or color)
Hero level (8 points):
[Shading & background] OR [Color & multiple comic panels]
Writer word count scale:
Intern level (3 points):
Fics of 400-800 words or Twitter thread of 7+ tweets
Sidekick level (5 points):
Fics of 1200-2500 words or Twitter threads of 15+ tweets
Hero level (8 points):
Fics of 3000+ words
There are also special spaces that give different prompts. For instance, Go To Tartarus (in place of Go To Jail) gives jail themed prompts.
Remember, even if you don’t get to fill too many (or any) prompts, you can still help your team! No pressure, guys! This is supposed to be fun and inspire creativity!
There will be a channel in the Discord server where players will receive their prompts and submit their fills. More information will be provided closer to the start of the event.